Congratulations to our 2024 Carolyn Block Award recipient:

For Outstanding Contributions by a Practitioner to Increased Understanding of Homicide or Lethal Violence

To honor the service achievements of Carolyn Rebecca Block, as well as her role as co-founder of the Homicide Research Working Group, the membership has established a $500 award for outstanding service as a practitioner, with a focus on practical strategies for reducing or ameliorating the effect of homicide and/or lethal violence. In addition, up to $500 is provided to help cover expenses for the presentation at the HRWG meeting.

Eligibility for the award includes the following criteria:

  1. The candidate is currently employed full-time or part-time by a criminal justice, medical, legal, governmental, or other non-academic related agency, or is a volunteer as a practitioner at such an agency.
  2. The candidate has made significant contributions to increased understanding of practical impacts in the field of homicide or lethal violence.
  3. The candidate agrees to present or describe their work at a meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group (typically held in June).
  4. The award is given annually if eligible and worthy candidates are available and chosen. There will be deemed no obligation on the part of the Homicide Research Working Group to issue the award every year.

To nominate yourself or someone else for the CRB Award, please send a letter to Amber Scherer (, outlining how the candidate meets the criteria of the Award. Please explain in detail the ways in which the candidate has made significant contributions to increased understanding of practical impacts in the field of homicide or lethal violence. Please also send Amber Scherer the candidate’s résumé or curriculum vitae.

The deadline for nominations is January 31. The Committee will meet to consider the nominations and make a decision by the end of February. Pending approval of the HRWG Steering Committee, those who submitted nominations and those who were nominated will be informed of the Committee’s decision in early March. The Award winner will then be asked to present an overview of their work at the annual HRWG meeting, which is usually held in June.

For questions or further information, please contact Amber Scherer (

Past Award Recipients:

2023: Shila Hawk
2021: Mikisha Hooper